Press Release
19991022 CHECK AGAINST DELIVERYFollowing is the text of the remarks of Secretary-General Kofi Annan to the United Nations Day Concert, which are to be delivered tonight at Headquarters:
Thank you, Gillian. Let me also thank the Duke Ellington Foundation for helping to make tonight possible. Because tonight, we draw inspiration from an ambassador of joy.
In 25 world tours, Duke Ellington played music to, for and about people in all corners of the earth. From Cairo to Kabul, from Moscow to Mexico City, from Baghdad to Belgrade -- Duke Ellington shared humanity. He gave voice to the ideals of the United Nations.
More than once, he played to the staff of this House. You may have seen the photographs of him with U Thant and with Ralph Bunche, taken when he performed here on Staff Day in 1962, and on Human Rights Day in 1970. Duke Ellington was a true friend of the United Nations.
This year, the centenary of Ellington's birth, has put our United Nations to new tests. It has confronted us with challenges as old as humankind itself. It has reminded us that our mission knows no borders and no limitations of time. As we strive every day to find new faith, to draw new hope, we can look to Duke Ellington.
A quarter of a century after his death, his legacy lives on. Halfway across the world, his music can still be heard.
And so, when the rest of us seek to find our way in this world, let us 'Take the A Train' to the place we need to go -- to the peace of mind that transcends all borders and endures for all time. Let us listen to the Duke.
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