In progress at UNHQ


5 May 1999

Press Release


19990505 Secretary-General Kofi Annan Will Address Gathering of over 400 Journalists and Broadcast Executives

The Tenth Annual "CNN World Report" Conference will hold its closing meeting on Friday, 7 May, in the Trusteeship Council Chamber; the earlier part of the Conference will have taken place on 3-5 May in Atlanta. Over 400 international journalists and broadcast executives whose media organizations are contributors to "CNN World Report" will be attending the meeting, coverage of which will be seen exclusively on CNN. The meeting is being organized by the Office of the Assistant Secretary-General for External Relations in cooperation with the Department of Public Information (DPI).

The programme will begin at 9:15 a.m. with welcoming remarks by Gillian Sorensen, Assistant Secretary-General for External Relations. Secretary- General Kofi Annan is the featured speaker for the morning segment, "Global Forum 1999"; he will be introduced by Judy Woodruff, Prime Anchor and Senior Correspondent, CNN. The Secretary-General's statement will be followed by a question-and-answer session with the audience, focusing on situations in Kosovo, Iraq and Angola. Brent Sadler, a CNN correspondent in the Balkans, will participate live via satellite.

From 10:30 a.m. to noon there will be round table discussions on economic and social affairs, humanitarian affairs and peace and security issues with United Nations senior officials, moderated by Riz Khan, Anchor, CNN International (CNNI). Speakers are Nitin Desai, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs; Sergio Vieira de Mello, Under-Secretary- General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator; and Kieran Prendergast, Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs. The morning meeting will be followed by a luncheon in the Delegates' Dining Room, where speakers will be Timothy E. Wirth, President, United Nations Foundation; Ted Turner, Vice-Chairman, Time Warner Inc.; and Gillian Sorensen.

From 2:30 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. there will be a panel discussion on "Global Business: The New Superpower", moderated by Norman Pearlstine, Editor-in- Chief, Time Inc. Panellists are Brian Dumaine, Assistant Managing Editor,

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Fortune; Richard Hornik, Business and Economics Editor, Time Atlantic; Richard I. Kirkland, Deputy Managing Editor, Fortune; and Joshua Cooper Ramo, Foreign Editor, Time.

"CNN World Report" is a news programme shown daily on CNNI and weekly on CNN/United States, comprised of uncensored and unedited news reports from around the world. "CNN World Report" has as its stated dual mission: to provide television viewers with the opportunity to see other countries as they see themselves; and to provide broadcasters with a global forum for presenting news from their own perspective to the rest of the world. Since 1987, "CNN World Report" has carried more than 23,000 reports from more than 240 television news organizations in 140 countries and territories.

For further information, contact tel. (212) 963-8745; for media accreditation, call (212) 963-6934.

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For information media. Not an official record.