Press Release
19980930 NEW YORK, 30 September (UNFPA) - Sixteen winning entries for the eighth international poster contest sponsored by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) were announced by the Fund today.The winning designs, by entrants in categories ranging from ages six to eight years and older, were selected from among 321 entries from 77 countries submitted on the theme: "Generations Living Together".
The contest was divided into five categories, according to age. In addition, there was one Grand Prize winner. The first round of the judging was done at the national level, with only the designs of the first-place winners in each category being submitted to UNFPA headquarters in New York for final judging.
The Grand Prize winner is: Yogi Setyawan (Indonesia).
The winners in category I (ages 6 to 8) are: first place, A.B.B. Sujeewanee Kumari (Sri Lanka); second place, Jin Ling (China); third place, Bernadette Mary Q. Umali (Philippines).
For category II (ages 9 to 12) the winners are: first place, Mohd. Syafiq bin A. Jalal (Malaysia); second place, Joezel Rizi T. Nubla (Philippines); third place, Natalia Vásquez Pereira (Bolivia).
For category III (ages 13 to 15) the winners are: first place, Natthaphol Sema (Thailand); second place, Rene Vergel Cajilig Tan (Philippines); third place, Essoma Max (Cameroon).
For category IV (ages 16 to 18) the winners are: first place, Yogi Setyawan (Indonesia); second place, Ooi Chun Gee (Malaysia); third place, Shamurad Redjepov (Turkmenistan).
For category V (19 years and older) the winners are: first place, Osibajo A. Abiodun (Nigeria); second place, Syarifah Radziah bt. Sy. Khairuddin (Malaysia); third place, Gary Francis-Williams (Jamaica).
- 2 - Press Release POP/680 30 September 1998
All winners will receive a certificate of recognition, art supplies and materials. Selected designs from among the winning entries will be used in UNFPA's informational materials.
The international poster contest was first launched in 1991 with cooperation from governments, non-governmental and other organizations concerned with population. One of the goals of the contest is to promote awareness and understanding of population issues, particularly the relationship between environmental and social problems and population.
The international poster awards jury consisted of representatives from the office of the UNFPA's Executive Director, other officials from the Fund and the United Nations Population Division, the New York-based Population Council, as well as internationally-renowned artists and designers.
For more information, contact Alex Marshall at telephone: (office) (212) 297-5020 or (home) (212) 980-1437; or access the UNFPA website: www.unfpa.org/NEWS/RELEASES/poster98rel.htm
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