Press Release
19971216 The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations of the Department of Public Information (DPI), meeting on Monday, 8 December, decided to grant DPI association to 30 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from 10 countries, bringing the total number of NGOs associated with DPI to 1,547. All the organizations have strong public information outreach, the principal criteria used by the Committee.Among the NGOs newly associated with DPI, 17 are from the United States, four from the United Kingdom, two from Argentina, and one each from Denmark, Georgia, India, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation.
A diverse focus of interests marks these organizations. Many work with women and on human rights issues, as well as in the environmental, health and religious fields. Youth and education are given increased attention. The Magnet Schools of America, with 676 institutions, is dedicated to promoting desegregation and equity. Argentina's Centro de Educación para la Participación promotes adolescents' right to development through cultural projects, while the Asociación de Lucha contra Bulimia y Anorexia tackles eating disorders, a problem that has become serious among youth.
Several of the newly associated organizations reach very large constituencies. The Findhorn Foundation (United Kingdom), with a focus on environment, has 14,629 individual members. The publication of the Salesian Mission (United States) "Salesian Mission Magazine", is distributed worldwide to some 1,300,000 readers. The Forum of Democratic Leaders in the Asia- Pacific (Republic of Korea), with 115 institutional and 800 individual members, works to sensitize policy makers through campaigns against human and civil rights abuses. The Research, Action and Information Network for Bodily Integrity of Women (United States) is committed to raising public awareness about women's reproductive health, particularly female genital mutilation, and maintains an active Resource Center and a website. Many other associated NGOs are increasingly using the Internet as a means of disseminating information.
- 2 - Press Release NGO/303 PI/1047 17 December 1997
Organizations eligible for association with DPI must share the ideals of the United Nations Charter, operate solely on a not-for-profit basis, and demonstrate an interest in United Nations issues. In addition, they must have a proven ability to reach large or specialized audiences with well-developed information programmes, as well as the commitment and means to disseminate information about the United Nations.
Following are the organizations newly associated with DPI, listed per region:
-- Asia and the Pacific: Forum of Democratic Leaders in the Asia- Pacific (Republic of Korea); International Center for Study and Development (India); and the International Shinto Foundation (Japan).
-- Europe: Beati i Construttori de Pace (Italy); European Wind and Energy Association (United Kingdom); Findhorn Foundation (United Kingdom); International Network of Peace Museums (United Kingdom); Kultural Information and Koordination KIK (Denmark); Moscow Public Science Foundation (Russian Federation); Mountbatten Center for International Studies (United Kingdom); and the United Nations Association of Georgia (Georgia).
-- Latin America: Asociación de Lucha contra Bulimia y Anorexia (Argentina); and Centro de Educación para la Participación (Argentina).
-- North America: Centre for War-Peace Studies (United States); Earthstewards Network (United States); Education Development Centre (United States); Eleanor Roosevelt Centre at Val-Kill (United States); Elizabeth Seaton Federation (United States); International Federation of Training and Development Organization (United States); International Presentation Association (United States); International Sustainable, Social and Economic Responses (United States); International Union of Psychological Science (Canada); Islamic Heritage (United States); Lifebridge Foundation (United States); Magnet Schools of America (United States); Professionals Network for Social Responsibility (United States); Research Action and Information Network for Bodily Integrity of Women (United States); Salesian Missions (United States/international); St. John's Community Services (United States); Thanksgiving Foundation (United States).
For additional information, please contact the NGO Section of DPI by phone at (212) 963-6842.
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