Press Release
19971112 Following is the statement of Secretary-General Kofi Annan delivered today to the forty-ninth meeting of the General Assembly, as it considered agenda item 157 on United Nations reform: measures and proposals:Today is an important moment in the history of the United Nations. The resolution that you are about to adopt affirms that the General Assembly and the Secretary-General are working in partnership to bring about the "quiet revolution" that I announced on 16 July. Together, we are transforming the United Nations, renewing it for the new era, and ensuring, thereby, that it retains a central role in advancing the principles of the Charter and the interests of people everywhere.
We will succeed in this endeavour because we must succeed. Now more than ever, the world needs a revitalized United Nations. The concept of our common fate on this planet has long since moved from the realm of abstract ideas to everyday practical reality. The United Nations is the only universal institutional expression of that common fate. Accordingly, we are obligated, to ourselves and to successor generations, to make it work as effectively and efficiently as we know how.
Your debate these past few weeks has been both useful and constructive in facilitating the adoption of a consensus resolution. I have welcomed your queries and suggestions concerning the implementation of my programme of actions. And I will, of course, fully take them into account as I proceed.
Mr. President, all of us owe you our deepest gratitude for your innovative and judicious guidance of these deliberations. We are also indebted to the two "Friends of the President," the Permanent Representatives of Brazil and Norway, who worked indefatigably with you throughout the consultations and negotiations.
* Press Releases ORG/5479 and ORG/5480 of 24 October, and ORG/5481 of 4 November should have bee numbered ORG/1252, ORG/1253 and ORG/1254, respectively.
- 2 - Press Release SG/SM/6391 ORG/1256 12 November 1997
The actions that reside within my own jurisdiction are one component part of the overall reform package. We must now move forward expeditiously with the rest. My representatives and I look forward to continuing to work with you.
The position of Deputy Secretary-General is an essential element in my proposed revamping of the leadership and management structure of the Secretariat. So, too, are the staffing and funding proposals that round out my restructuring efforts. The Development Dividend and multi-year funding for operational activities reinforce the Organization's commitment to our core objective of development.
By means of the proposed ministerial commission on the specialized agencies, the United Nations can achieve greater system-wide coherence and impact in meeting new challenges. The Millennium Assembly, to which the ministerial commission would report, together with the Millennium People's Assembly, affords the entire international community the opportunity to articulate a strategy of multilateral cooperation for the century ahead.
A new, results-based budgeting system is essential to move us beyond the constraints and rigidities of micromanagement. It will provide Member States with the accountability they need and deserve, while giving the Secretariat the flexibility required to achieve its mandates in the most cost-effective manner. Mechanisms to focus the Assembly's deliberations and to regularly update its agenda, coupled with the introduction of sunset provisions for new mandates, will enhance the responsiveness and dynamism of the Assembly as the Organization's highest and most representative legislative body.
Other of my recommendations address the severe cash-flow problem of the Organization, and propose institutional refinements to strengthen the performance of the Organization in the areas of disarmament, humanitarian affairs, political affairs, peacekeeping, public information and the rationalization of Economic and Social Council subsidiary machinery.
On 22 September, I called on you to make this the Reform Assembly. Today, we have, together, taken a major step in that direction. Let us now continue our efforts and complete the job by the end of this Assembly.
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