Press Release
19970206The Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization this afternoon began adopting parts of its report to the General Assembly. When completed, the report will contain recommendations and summaries of the Committee's plenary and working group discussions.
The section of the report containing the Committee's recommendations was not yet available, so portions of the report containing summaries of the debates were considered this afternoon. The Committee adopted Section I, the introduction, and portions of Section III, maintenance of international peace and security, in particular those related to the Russian Federation's proposal for a draft declaration on criteria for the work of United Nations peace- keeping operations. One part of Section IV, peaceful settlement of disputes, was also adopted -- Sierra Leone's proposal on the establishment of a dispute settlement service.
Introducing the draft report to the Committee, its Rapporteur, Marja Lehto (Finland), said its six sections had been presented in several conference room working papers. Section I contains the introduction to the draft report and factual information on such Committee actions as the adoption of its agenda, organization of work and election of officers. Section II, which will contain the Committee's recommendations, was not yet available, but recommendations agreed upon today would be reflected in the final report.
She said Section III on the maintenance of international peace and security was dealt with in three conference room papers concerning: the question of implementing Charter provisions on assistance to third States affected by United Nations sanctions; the Russian Federation's proposed draft declaration on United Nations peace-keeping operations and mechanisms for preventing and settling conflicts; and Cuba's proposals on strengthening the role of Organization and enhancing its effectiveness.
The question of the peaceful settlement of disputes was contained in Section IV of the draft report, she continued. The three conference room
Committee on Charter - 2 - Press Release L/2818 220th Meeting (PM) 6 February 1997
papers making up the section dealt with: Sierra Leone's proposal on establishing a dispute settlement service; Guatemala's proposal to extend the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice to cover disputes between States and international organizations; and Costa Rica's proposal on the same topic.
The draft report's Section V concerns the future of the Trusteeship Council, she added. New subjects identified for the Committee's future work and assistance to working groups formed on the revitalization of the United Nations were contained in Section VI. Included in the section was Portugal's proposal to amend Rule 103 of the General Assembly's Rules of Procedure, which would increase the number of Vice-Chairmen of the Assembly's Main Committees from two to three.
The Special Committee is mandated to examine issues relating to the maintenance of international peace and security, the peaceful settlement of disputes, the strengthening of the Role of the Organization and the future of the Trusteeship Council.
The Committee is scheduled to meet again at 10 a.m. Friday, 7 February, to consider other parts of its draft report.
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