Press Release
19961104WFP Receives Estimated Pledges of $476 Million for 1996-1997
Pledges estimated at approximately $476 million, in cash and kind, were received for the biennium 1996-1997 from 19 countries at the United Nations/Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Pledging Conference for the World Food Programme (WFP), held at Headquarters, this afternoon.
Pledges were made for the regular programme of the WFP, the Protracted Refugee and Displaced Persons Operations, the International Emergency Food Reserve and the Immediate Response Account.
Announcing pledges were the representatives of the Netherlands, Bangladesh, Slovakia, Germany, Mongolia, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Portugal, Republic of Korea, El Salvador, Ghana, Malaysia, Greece and the United States. The observers for the Holy See and Switzerland also made pledges. The representatives of Andorra and China announced their intention to pledge at a later date.
The Conference, which is held every two years, was opened this morning by Secretary-General Boutros-Boutros Ghali in conjunction with the opening of the 1996 Pledging Conference for United Nations Development Activities, which will continue tomorrow.
Addressing the Conference, the Executive Director of the WFP, Catherine Bertini, said more than 50 million people had been fed each year through the Programme since the previous pledging conference two years ago. Since 1995, the Programme had spent $2.5 billion for emergencies, refugee assistance and development programmes. However, it had been able to reach less than 10 per cent of the world's 800 million hungry poor. In that context, the gradual decline of food aid was alarming.
The Pledging Conference elected Erich Vilchez Asher (Nicaragua) as its President, and Prince Sisowath Sirirath (Cambodia) and Dirk Wouters (Belgium) as Vice-Presidents.
Statement by WFP Executive Director
CATHERINE BERTINI, WFP Executive Director, said that more than 50 million people had been fed each year through the Programme since the last pledging conference two years ago. The WFP had since 1995 spent $2.5 billion for emergencies, refugees and development programmes, and reached less than 10 per cent of the world's 800 million hungry poor. Because of strong economic growth, by 2005, the number would decrease to 600 million, she said, adding that three times the food aid available would be needed to keep their present inadequate nutritional status quo. Twenty countries would graduate from the need for food aid from the United Nations, mostly because of their vastly improved economic conditions. People, countries and donor countries could be applauded for that success, but it should not be forgotten that there was still a long way to go.
She also said that through the generosity of countries, WFP had given food to infants, school children, pregnant and nursing mothers. Millions had also been paid with food to grow orchards, plant trees, create new craft or fish farming or processing operation, build schools, bridges and roads. With food, the WFP also supported efforts to establish peace.
She said the gradual decline of food aid was alarming given the positive role it played to mitigate future disasters. A case had to be built for food aid. There were stories of successful uses of development and of reconstructive food aid which could be told and multiplied. With the help of the international community the WFP could build on that success and reach millions more people who one day would not be part of the hungry poor.
Pledges Made
The representative of the Netherlands said his country would contribute 60 million Dutch guilders in the year 1997, as follows: 29 million to the Protracted Refugee and Displaced Persons Operations; 30 million to the International Emergency Food Reserve; and 1 million to contribution for quality improvement.
The representative of Bangladesh pledged 10,000 metric tonnes of rice for the 1997-1998 biennium.
The representative of Slovakia pledged the equivalent of $15,000 in kind.
The representative of Germany pledged 90 million deutsche marks for the biennium 1997-1998. That amount would be disbursed in two tranches of 45
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million deutsche mark in each year. In 1997, the cash contributions would amount to 35 million in cash and 10 million in kind, while in 1998 the in-kind contributions would be 5 million and the rest would be cash. Out of the overall Food Aid Convention Commitment, WFP would receive 20,000 tonnes of wheat equivalent in 1997, as well as in 1998 -- a total of 40,000 tonnes to be used by the International Emergency Food Reserve. The Programme's Protracted Refugees and Displaced Persons Operations would also receive 40,000 tonnes of wheat in the biennium, 20,000 tonnes in each year. The Programme would receive an additional 30,000 tonnes of wheat-equivalent, 15,000 tones in 1997 and 1998, respectively, for its development activities.
The representative of Mongolia pledged $2000.
The representative of Austria pledged 31,880,000 Austrian shillings, subject to parliamentary approval, 30 per cent of the contribution would be in cash and 70 per cent in commodities. He pledged an additional 5.8 million Austrian shillings to the International Emergency Food Reserve.
The representative of Andorra said his country's contribution would be at least the same, if not more than, its contribution last year.
The representative of Belgium pledged 55 million Belgian Francs for the year 1997.
The representative of Cyprus pledged 3,000 Cyprus pounds, the equivalent of $6,000.
The representative of Portugal pledged $65,000.
The representative of the Republic of Korea pledged $540,000 and added that his country planned to establish a trust fund to enable FAO to help developing countries.
The representative of El Salvador pledged $137,775.
The observer for the Holy See pledged $10,000.
The representative of China said his country was still to decide on the amount of its pledge.
The representative of Ghana pledged $5,000.
The observer for Switzerland pledged 21 million Swiss francs. Out of that amount: 4.5 million would be for general resources (2.5 million in cash
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and 2 million in dairy products); 10 million for refugees and displaced persons (2 million in cash, 3 million in dairy products and 5 million in grain, procurement and transportation); 5.5 million for emergency food aid (1 million in dairy products, 2.5 million in cereals and 2 million in non-grain products); and 1 million for immediate response programmes.
The representative of Malaysia pledged $10,000.
The representative of Greece pledged US $300,000 in kind, cereals, oil and vegetables.
The representative of the United States pledged $325 million in food aid resources for 1997-1998. Out of that $225 million would be for the Protracted Relief Operations and $100 million for the WFP regular budget.
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