Press Release
19960913 FROM DEVELOPING COUNTRIES BEGINS AT HEADQUARTERSThe United Nations Training Programme for Broadcasters and Journalists from Developing Countries begins its sixteenth session on Monday, 16 September, at Headquarters, under the direction of the Department of Public Information (DPI).
The Programme was established in 1980 by the General Assembly, which requested the Secretary-General to initiate an in-service training programme for broadcasters and journalists from developing countries. Eighteen junior and mid-level journalists and broadcasters, including four sponsored by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation of Germany, are taking part in the six-week Programme, which ends on 24 October.
This year's participants work for media organizations in Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Colombia, Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Madagascar, Mexico, Paraguay, Poland, Rwanda, Swaziland, United Arab Emirates, and Zimbabwe. The Programme is designed to supplement national, regional and other international training opportunities.
During the Programme, the participants will:
-- Receive in-service training in DPI and take part in the work of the General Assembly;
-- Undertake professional work assignments and receive briefings from United Nations officials on issues of priority to the Organization;
-- Visit major media organizations in New York and Washington, D.C., to observe their operations; and
-- Serve as temporary United Nations correspondents, covering United Nations meetings and activities on behalf of their home media organizations.
The Assistant Secretary-General for Public Information, Samir Sanbar, will welcome the participants and formally open the Programme at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, 17 September, in Conference Room E.
- 2 - Note No. 5347 12 September 1996
Participating in the 1996 Programme are the following: Ana Paula Guimaraes, Globo TV, Brazil; Harouna Kindo, Television Nationale du Burkina, Burkina Faso; Paul Ngam Wain, Cameroon Radio and TV Corporation; Sergio Gómez Maseri, El Tiempo, Colombia; Emad El Sayed Omar, Akhbar El-Yom, Egypt; Anoop Khajuria Doordarshan, India; Myrna Ratna Maulidiana, Kompas Daily, Indonesia; Bermet Malikova, OSMAN Television, Kyrgystan; Aurora Zepeda Rojas, Instituto Mexicano de la Radio, Mexico; Francisco Rubén Penayo, Ultima Hora, Paraguay; Robert Soltyk, Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland; Rulinda Jean Marie Vianney Rurangwa, ORINFOR/T.V.R., Rwanda; Mohamed Ahmed Rasheed, Al Ittihad Press and Publishing Corporation, United Arab Emirates; and Kenneth Mkiza, Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation.
Friedrich Ebert Foundation participants are: Eleanor Pratt, The Ghanaian Times, Kenya; Rose Nzioka, The East African Standard; Alain Andrianantenaina Andrianasolo, National Radio of Madagascar; Linda Bhembe, Ministry of Broadcasting and Information, Swaziland.
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