

5 June 1996

Press Release


19960605 ADVANCE RELEASE Following is the text of Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali's message on the occasion of World Environment Day, 5 June:

World Environment Day is an occasion to reflect on the state of our fragile environment. It is an observance that draws attention to some of the ominous ways in which humanity is imperilling its own habitation. It emphasizes the urgency of changing our attitudes and behaviour, through responsible practices and actions.

The theme for this year's World Environment Day is "Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home".

As the world moves into the twenty-first century, it will mark the passing from an age when most of its population resided in rural areas to one in which most will be urban residents. Clearly, humankind's future will unfold in settings that are predominantly urban.

Today, the explosive and continuing growth rates of urban areas have created some profound challenges for the sustainable management of these settlements. The blanket of smog that hangs over cities such as Rio de Janeiro, Mexico City, Delhi, Beijing and tens of thousands of smaller cities is a symbol of the many urgent problems that demand our attention -- from unchecked emissions to inadequate sanitation, from chemical accidents to urban fires.

As the pace of global integration accelerates, the lines that separate a city, a country, a region and a continent will progressively blur. The future of our cities will determine more and more not only the future of nations but also of the planet in its entirety. We ignore the issue of sustainable management of cities at our own peril.

If cities are to continue to be the engines for economic growth as they have been throughout human history, their future development has to be based on considerations that are environmentally sustainable.

Astronauts have seen how meaningless national boundaries can be in terms of the biosphere. We cannot allow these dividing lines to obscure our view of the one planet we share.

- 2 - Press Release SG/SM/5998 HE/933 4 June 1996

The perception of the whole earth as our home, as the integral place whose fortune and whose future is our own, may be the essential first step to survival.

World Environment Day is a call for conscience and a call for action. On this day, let us enlighten ourselves, not only for the benefit of our own lives but also for the well-being of generations to come. The environmental crisis allows no time for delay. Action is needed now.

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For information media. Not an official record.