In progress at UNHQ


Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, Fifty-Eighth Session Appointments

NEW YORK, 7 July (Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea) — 5 July 2023 was the first day of the fifty-eighth session of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf which met for the first time in its new composition resulting from elections held in 2022.  Eighteen members of the Commission were present on that day and started their five-year term of office by making a solemn declaration that they would perform their duties honourably, faithfully, impartially and conscientiously.  Thereafter, the Commission proceeded with the election of its officers whose term of office is two and a half years.

Aldino Manuel dos Santos de Campos was elected Chairperson of the Commission and Antonio Fernando Garcez Faria, Simon Njuguna and Yong Tang were elected Vice-Chairpersons.  The election of one Vice-Chairperson from among members nominated by States parties belonging to the Group of Eastern European States was postponed, as there are two vacancies for the three seats allocated to that Group and the only elected member from that Group was not present.

The Commission also appointed members of its subsidiary bodies.  The following members were appointed to the Committee on Confidentiality:  Harald Brekke, Domingos de Carvalho Viana Moreira, Ariel Hernán Troisi and Toshitsugu Yamazaki.

The following members were appointed to the Committee on provision of scientific and technical advice to coastal States:  Lawrence Asangongo Apaalse, Helena Inniss, David Cole Mosher and Rajan Sivaramakrishnan.

Concerning the appointment of members and the election of officers of subcommissions that are actively examining submissions, the list below provides the outcome of the relevant proceedings:

  • Subcommission established for consideration of the submission made by Brazil in respect of the Brazilian equatorial margin (partial revised submission):  Harald Brekke, Miloud Loukili, Domingos de Carvalho Viana Moreira, Rajan Sivaramakrishnan (Vice-Chair), Toshitsugu Yamazaki (Chair) and Gonzalo Alejandro Yáñez Carrizo (Vice-Chair).
  • Subcommission established for consideration of the submission made by the Cook Islands concerning the Manihiki Plateau (revised submission):  Lawrence Asangongo Apaalse (Vice-Chair), Efren Perez Carandang, Antonio Fernando Garcez Faria, Domingos de Carvalho Viana Moreira (Vice-Chair), David Cole Mosher (Chair) and Rajan Sivaramakrishnan.
  • Subcommission established for consideration of the submission made by Iceland in respect of the western, southern and south-eastern parts of the Reykjanes Ridge (partial revised submission):  Aldino Manuel dos Santos de Campos, Efren Perez Carandang, Antonio Fernando Garcez Faria (Chair), Estevão Stefane Mahanjane (Vice-Chair), Simon Njuguna and Rajan Sivaramakrishnan (Vice-Chair).
  • Subcommission established for consideration of the submission made by Mauritius in respect of the region of Rodrigues Island (partial submission): Aldino Manuel dos Santos de Campos, Ivan F. Glumov, Helena Inniss, Miloud Loukili, Tolojanahary Randriamiarantsoa (Vice-Chair), Toshitsugu Yamazaki (Vice-Chair) and Gonzalo Alejandro Yáñez Carrizo (Chair).
  • Subcommission established for consideration of the submission made by Palau in respect of the North Area (partial amended submission):  Adnan Rashid Nasser al-Azri (Vice-Chair), Harald Brekke, Estevão Stefane Mahanjane, Simon Njuguna, Yong Tang (Vice-Chair) and Ariel Hernán Troisi (Chair).
  • Subcommission established for consideration of the submission made by Portugal: Adnan Rashid Nasser al-Azri, Lawrence Asangongo Apaalse (Vice-Chair), Efren Perez Carandang, Ivan F. Glumov, Helena Inniss (Chair), David Cole Mosher (Vice-Chair) and Tolojanahary Randriamiarantsoa.
  • Subcommission established for consideration of the submission made by Spain in respect of the area of Galicia (partial submission):  Adnan Rashid Nasser al-Azri (Vice-Chair), Lawrence Asangongo Apaalse, Ivan F. Glumov, Helena Inniss (Vice-Chair), Domingos de Carvalho Viana Moreira, David Cole Mosher (Chair) and Gonzalo Alejandro Yáñez Carrizo.
  • Subcommission established for consideration of the submission made by Trinidad and Tobago:  Harald Brekke (Chair), Miloud Loukili, Tolojanahary Randriamiarantsoa (Vice-Chair), Yong Tang, Ariel Hernan Troisi (Vice-Chair) and Toshitsugu Yamazaki.
  • Subcommission established for consideration of the submission made by Namibia:  Aldino Manuel dos Santos de Campos, Antonio Fernando Garcez Faria, Estevão Stefane Mahanjane (Chair), Simon Njuguna, Yong Tang (Vice-Chair) and Ariel Hernán Troisi (Vice-Chair).

The background press release on this session is available at

For additional information on the work of the Commission see the website of the Division at

For information media. Not an official record.