Central African Republic

In Ethiopia, the World Food Programme (WFP) said today that their funding — and food stocks — are quickly running out.  The country is struggling with the effects of devastating back-to-back droughts.  Some 7.8 million people need food assistance right now, and that number is expected to rise in the coming months after another failed rainy season.

The Secretary-General yesterday strongly condemned the launch of a ballistic missile of possible intercontinental range conducted by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.  He said that the action is yet another brazen violation of Security Council resolutions and constitutes a dangerous escalation of the situation.

Today, in a message to a forum being held by the Palestinian Rights Committee to mark 50 years of occupation, the Secretary-General said it was time to return to direct negotiations and resolve all final status issues on the basis of relevant United Nations resolutions, agreements and international law.

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) warned today that the announcement of an end to famine conditions in South Sudan this week should not distract from the fact that severe food insecurity continues to put the lives of millions of children at risk in Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan and north-east Nigeria.

The Secretariat has concluded a review of the deployment of uniformed personnel from the Republic of Congo in the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic, MINUSCA.  It found that the nature and extent of existing allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse point to systemic problems in command and control.

A record 141 million people across 37 countries need humanitarian assistance, according to the Global Humanitarian Overview 2017 Status Report, released today.  Despite $6.2 billion in donations since the 2017 humanitarian appeal launch, requirements have risen to $23.5 billion, leaving the appeal 26 per cent funded.

The Secretary-General welcomed the adoption today of General Assembly resolution A/71/L66, which endorsed his proposal for a new United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism.  He stressed that combatting terrorism and preventing violent extremism was one of the Organization’s highest priorities in its work towards international peace and security.


Violence in the Central African Republic — including attacks on minority groups and peacekeepers — harkened back to the darkest days of that country’s past, but the United Nations peacekeeping mission there must nevertheless stay the course so as to consolidate progress towards peace, its chief told the Security Council today.