The General Assembly today adopted four resolutions which promote a culture of peace, tolerance, diplomacy and multilateralism, before filling vacancies in the Committee for Programme and Coordination, as well as in the Committee on Conferences.
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The General Assembly today adopted two texts on the oceans and seas linked to the implementation of the landmark 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, with speakers asserting during the annual debate on the matter that healthy, productive, resilient oceans and seas are central to sustainable development.
MARRAKECH, Morocco, 11 December — With a far-reaching Global Compact on Migration now adopted by a majority of countries, it is up to Governments — in partnership with civil society groups, business leaders and migrants themselves — to push back against the distorted narratives dominating the global news cycle, stressed participants during an interactive dialogue today.
MARRAKECH, Morocco, 11 December – The two-day Intergovernmental Conference that adopted the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration concluded today with robust appeals for the achievement of its 23 sweeping objectives in ways that can better the lives of the world’s 258 million people on the move.
Delegates in a Security Council debate underlined today the importance of completing, expeditiously but diligently, the work of the mechanism created to carry out the remaining functions of the international criminal tribunals trying crimes committed in the territories of Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia.
Speakers at the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today urged the Secretary-General to move on filling a director’s post at the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals in Arusha while supporting a $303,500 revision in the nearly $200 million appropriation that is keeping the crucial legal mechanism running smoothly during the 2018-2019 budget cycle.
Welcoming progress in creating conditions for the drawdown of the African Union‑United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID), the Security Council today called on all actors to reinforce cooperation for successful transition from peacekeeping to development in the Sudanese region.
MARRAKECH, Morocco, 10 December — World leaders adopted the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration today, laying out the first-ever global cooperation framework for sharing responsibility to protect the world’s 258 million people on the move — 3.4 per cent of its population — and supporting the host communities working to accommodate them.
MARRAKECH, Morocco, 10 December — Adopting the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, the United Nations today held an interactive dialogue where Member States, civil society and regional organizations shared their views on how best to implement the objectives outlined in the new agreement.
Speakers at the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today voiced their support for the Secretary‑General’s request for an $8.93 million appropriation in 2019 to support the ongoing upgrade of facilities at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, including the renovation of the iconic Africa Hall.